How to Create a Monthly Social Media Calendar

How to Create a Monthly Social Media Calendar

A monthly social media calendar allows you to know what you're going to post EVERY DAY!! It helps you balance promotional posts with fun and personal ones, it insures you're talking about themes and topics important to you and your audience, and it focuses you so that your social media posts are moving you toward your goals.

How to Find the Story of Your Business

How to Find the Story of Your Business

What makes YOU special? This is the most important thing to know when communicating to attract customers because YOUR STORY is what distinguishes your business from others. Knowing your story will allow you to authentically communicate with your clients. How? When you know and embrace your story, you speak the truth in everything you say. 

7 Tips for Keeping the Fun in Your Marriage

 7 Tips for Keeping the Fun in Your Marriage

What I’ve learned over 16 years of really enjoying the company of the guy I sit across from at dinner are a few tricks to maintain the fun with the person you need be having the most fun with. To love, honor and make him obey are indeed important (snicker), but to promise to enjoy each other, to laugh and to explore, those are the things that make marriages the happily-ever-after tales we dream of.